EmPowering a data-driven approach to personalized healthcare for people who don't (usually) use technology
Noninvasive monitoring that produces long-term datasets
Generating telehealth revenue and reducing readmissions
Proactive care
Remote monitoring is now an essential part of healthcare. Outcomes-oriented care teams need new tools for:
Data-driven, real time decision support
Making staff more efficient, including supporting telehealth teams
Guiding patients to the right care at the right place at the right time

We've got you covered
Remote behavioral monitoring improves access for underserved
and complex patient populations
Many of the highest risk patients are not successful at monitoring themselves and communicating their needs. EmPowerYu solves this problem by collecting data without requiring the person to do anything differently than normal. Passive data collection with home automation sensors eliminates data gaps when the person forgets to take readings or doesn't charge a battery-powered device. Plus, we collect so little data that Lyfeome(R) works wherever phone texting works. The home doesn't need broadband.
EmPowerYu supports telehealth: we provide a data-rich view of daily life that can triage patients to the appropriate point of care, reducing unnecessary use of hospitals and emergency rooms. Our 22 alerts are supported by Televalidation® scripts so unlicensed care managers and call centers can get enough information to know if clinical staff should get involved. A pilot study of a system similar to EmPowerYu’s Lyfeome(R) service was used for Medicare/Medicaid dual eligible older adults who qualified for nursing home care but were living alone in the community. This study (see Finch 2017) showed reductions in emergency room admissions, inpatient hospital admissions, and long term care and skilled nursing admissions without increasing home care visits. Observed savings for this system over one year were $574 - $687 per patient per month compared to historical controls and a current age-matched group that met study criteria.
When people are able to take medical device readings consistently and accurately, many studies show improvements in outcomes and reduced costs. We believe that behavioral pattern monitoring can produce similar results for people who don’t use medical devices successfully.
Lyfeome(R) Workflow

Healthcare partner organization identifies high risk patients, introduces the Lyfeome system and service in the hospital or clinic

Lyfeome explains the system and service. The patient agrees to monitoring and signs permission for data collection. The patient also authorizes specific family and clinical caregivers to see the data and dashboard, and completes a survey to pre-set system sensors and parameters.

Lyfeome generates a home automation sensor set designed to get strategic data according to the home's floorplan.
Optional sensors can be added to personalize the dataset, like medical devices, fitness bands / watches, Alexa, lighting, etc. We can include any sensors from which we can get the data, so we evolve with patient needs and new market opportunities.

Daily life data is gathered effortlessly for the patient, and analyzed by Lyfeome to find trends and anomalies. Data from optional sensors is integrated into the analytics and the Home Life Record(R).

Information is available to authorized persons.
The Lyfeome service or a provider's care manager monitors for alerts, validates them, and sends them to clinicians and/or family caregivers per prior agreements. Lyfeome assists health care providers and agencies that provide long term services and supports. We help them keep older and disabled adults more safely in their own homes through the use of telecommunications and sensor networks with automated data collection, monitoring, analysis, and feedback to all users to improve care coordination and patient outcomes.

John is safer and healthier at home in a circle of care.
"Data from a Smart Home system would be a tremendous advantage over the anecdotal and unreliable data we get from those of our patients who are not successful in taking medical device readings daily, and those who report inaccurately.""
Department of Veterans Affairs, Director of Surgery and Perioperative Care
*Finch et al, 2017. Reduced healthcare use and apparent savings with passive home monitoring technology: A pilot study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 65:1301-1305.
Taylor et al, 2021. Does remote patient monitoring reduce acute care use? A systematic review. BMJ Open; 11:e040232 (answer - clearly yes for cardiovascular disease and COPD)
Maeng et al, 2014. Can telemonitoring reduce hospitalization and cost of care? A health plan's experience in managing patients with heart failure (Geisinger Health System, Danville, PA) Population Health Management, 17(6):340-344. (answer - significant reductions in all cause admission, as well as 30 and 90 day readmissions and cost of care. Estimated return on investment was 3.3.)
Celler et al, 2018. What have we learned from the CSIRO National NBN telehealth trial? Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 246:1-17. (answer - patients monitored for an average of 276 days showed 46% reduction in costs, including 53% reduction in hospitalization, 68% reduction in length of stay, and 41% reduced mortality. Authors comment on organizational change management needed.
"Being able to have multiple data points on patients literally every day, to manage patients with chronic diseases is way more effective than a patient going to see a doctor once every six months to see how their blood pressure or diabetes is doing."
Todd Czartoski, MD, Providence Chief Medical Technology Officer, from Fierce Healthcare interview